Department of International Relations

The Department of International Relations is committed to provide its undergraduates with the expertise to observe and evaluate an assortment of global occurrences, instances and issues pertaining to diplomatic, governmental, societal and monetary matters. The discipline of international Relations not only copes with intercontinental relations but also take into consideration the review of connections and collaborations between cultures and communities as well as individuals and institutions. The Department of International Relations, hence, aims to train the learners regarding cultivation of the essential aptitude to weigh the multi-

level linkages of transnational relations and execution of interdisciplinary study with academic and thematic elucidations and adaptation to the undercurrents of advancing globalization.

The globalization of international policymaking has extensively fortified the relations amongst countries, transnational coalitions and confederations. The field of International Relations has come to the fore and progressed to benefit legislators in deciphering the rapid transformation of international affairs and carry out the requirements of contemporary times. Our learners in the International Relations program are required to strive for the solutions to numerous issues for instance i.e. conflicts break out, domestic and transnational security, diverse administrative structures, foreign policies and denouement of globalization.

The core intent of the department is to capacitate learners to assess present-day policymaking advances on explicative, methodical and multi-disciplinary lines while taking into account the chronological perspective. BS International Relations program is all set to impart a scholastic outlook with regard to transnational happenings of the present-time.

Mr. Asad Ullah
Incharge / Lecturer
Department of International Relations
Phone: 0453-9200070
Email: [email protected]


BS International Relations

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Department of International Relations

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